Monday, February 24, 2014

Tamil Keyboard for Android

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<<<இந்தக் கட்டுரையைத் தமிழில் படிக்க>>

Now a days, everybody is having one or more Android device(s). Also there are lot of content in Tamil around the Internet. But the main hurdle we have is, how to search for Tamil content if we can't search in Tamil? Google, Yahoo, Bing, DuckDuckGo all index Tamil content. But how can we search it? Typing in English? At least in PC, we can use online Tamil transliteration sites or software for typing in Tamil. But in mobile or tablet?

Here comes a decent Android app to your rescue. AnySoftKeyboard with Tamil layout extension.

Please follow the below steps to get this awesome app in your mobile:

1. Check any Tamil website and ensure that you have proper Tamil font support. Most popular brands come with excellent Indic fonts support. But some mobiles have broken support (render Tamil letters incorrectly) or lack Tamil fonts (display them as boxes). To make sure, open this page in your mobile/tablet browser and check the below line.

தமிழ் எங்கள் மூச்சு

If the above line is rendered properly, you can proceed to next step without any issue. [Note: If the text is NOT rendered correctly, you need Tamil font support to proceed. This may need rooting your device. So it is up to you to research and do it.]

2. Download AnySoftKeyboard from this link (Google Play Store).

3. Download and install Tamil for AnySoftKeyboard from this link (Google Play Store).

4. After AnySoftKeyboard and Tamil layout for it, have been downloaded and installed, go to your phone's settings, and select "Language & keyboard"

5. In the next screen, enable "Any Soft Keyboard".

6. A dialog box will open and will warn you about possible key-logging attacks which can be done by this keyboard application. Note: This is a generic message, and will be shown when you enable any keyboard application.

7. Long press on one of the text input field (select input method from notification area in Android 4+). A dialog will pop-up. Choose AnySoftKeyboard

8. I suggest you to turn off auto suggestion in "AnySoftKeyboard settings" in settings menu or by long-pressing "enter" button. This improves Tamil typing speed.

9. Long press characters to get similar characters as a pop-up. For example, ஆ can be typed by long pressing அ. Similarly, தீ can be typed by first typing த and then long pressing இ and choosing appropriate compound letter.

Salient features:

1. Fully free and open source software. No ads, and the source is available at Github. Click here for source.

2. Tamil layout matches English QWERTY layout. So it is easy to remeber and type.

3. One touch toggle between Tamil and English layouts. So you can type Tanglish easily.

4. Works without internet connection. As said, no ads, no payment required.

5. Small size and pretty fast.

6. Main app is used by more than million users and Tamil layout is used by more than 100,000 users. Both apps are rated with more than 4 stars.

So why are you waiting! Install the app now and chat with your buddies in your mother tongue! Update your status in Tamil! Search the internet for Tamil words/phrases! Explore the world in your own language!

Please leave comments if you have any doubts in using this app. If you like this app, please give it a good rating and review at Play Store. Thanks for reading

1 comment:

Unknown said...

well nice artice help me to get ideas for larn tamiil in mobile tamil language app