Sunday, March 30, 2014

Creamy Mushroom Pasta

Here comes another weekend! So let us cook some different food to enjoy the weekend rather than ordering or eating out. Here is a simple recipe of "Creamy Mushroom Pasta" which you can easily prepare with stuffs available in a typical Indian kitchen or at least with stuffs available in a nearby shop.

Things you need to serve 2:

For Pasta:

Pasta - 200 g
Water - 1.5 l
Sea Salt - 1/2 tablespoon
Olive oil - 1 teaspoon

For Creamy Mushroom Sauce:

Mushroom - 150 g (washed and chopped in to large pieces)
Cheese cubes(small) - 2 (shredded)
Onion (large) - 1/2
Ginger - 1 inch piece
Garlic - 4 to 5 cloves (finely chopped)
Milk - 150 to 200 ml
Pepper powder - to taste
Salt - to taste
Coriander leaves - for garnishing
Olive oil - 1 to 1.5 tablespoon

How to Prepare:


Pour 1 litre water in a large vessel and bring to boil. Add 1/2 tablespoon of sea salt and stir till it dissolves. After that, add 200 grams of pasta. I prefer pastas made of durum wheat as they are stiffer and non-sticky. But normal pastas are also possible candidates. Keep in medium flame and cook till the pasta becomes floppy. Try eating one small piece and make sure that it doesn't stick to teeth. Once it comes to this state, turn off the stove and cover the vessel with a plate and filter out excess water. Immediately add two tumblers of cold water and drain it is too. Now you have the cooked pasta at a warm temperature. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of olive oil and gently mix it (with hands or carefully with a spoon). Your pasta is ready!

Creamy Mushroom Sauce:

To begin with, mince onion and ginger in a mixer grinder and keep the paste ready in a cup. Heat olive oil in a large pan. Add finely chopped garlic and onion-ginger paste. Stir fry form some time with low flame. Now add mushroom and stir occasionally. After 1 or two minutes, add the pasta prepared earlier and mix well. Now add milk, shredded cheese, salt and pepper. Add salt with caution as the cheese already contains salt. Also, don't add too much pepper. A pinch or two is enough, as pepper is only for flavoring and this recipe is not a spicy one. With medium flame cook for few minutes. Ensure that no cheese is left as chunks. Usually it will melt within 2 minutes. Now add washed coriander leaves and gently mix it. Your Creamy Mushroom Pasta is ready. Please ensure that the stove is turned off before you start eating ;-)


This is easy yet tasty recipe. It is healthy compared to those hotel foods and also costs you lesser. If you want to know how it will taste, try Maggi pasta of the same flavor. I have really imagined and worked out this recipe on my own. The photo in this blog is the one I cooked yesterday. It came out well and everybody in my family liked it. Please share your improvements and suggestions in comments. If you try this, let me know how well it came and whether you like it or not. Thanks for reading!

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